PRIVATE Healthcare is needed by the people of the UK when the State is not able to satisfy all of its users. Approximately one million people are on a NHS waiting list, 25 per cent of whom are on the list for longer than one year.
Private Medical Insurance (PMI) is a benefit that may be called upon to settle medical bills many times in the policyholder's lifetime. About 11 per cent of the UK population - 6.5 million people - are covered by PMI, the majority through employer-provided schemes.
Who provides Private Medical Insurance?
What needs to be taken into consideration when taking out PMI?
What is included in a PMI plan?
The benefits of Private Medical Insurance
Low-cost plans
What do the PMI providers want to know?
How to claim
Who provides Private Medical Insurance?
There are over 25 PMI providers in the UK, controlling an industry worth approximately £2 billion a year at present and growing at a rate of over 10 per cent every year. Bupa's lion's share of the market is reducing, allowing PPP, WPA, BCWA and the HealthCare arms of Norwich Union, Standard Life and Legal & General to take a larger share.
The increasing size of the industry allows the PMI providers to influence control over the costs charged by hospitals and consultants. The largest PMI providers have hospital networks which clients are encouraged to use.
The popularity of TV medical soaps such as Casualty, ER and Chicago Hope may drive home the complexity of even the more straightforward operations, but they provide no guide to the increasing costs involved. This is monitored by what is known as medical inflation, and PMI premiums are currently increasing by about 11 per cent a year. These rising costs have been attributed to advances in medical technology, people living longer and the proliferation of private hospitals.
What needs to taken into consideration when taking out PMI?
However, cost should not be the primary consideration when selecting a PMI product. In a time of claim, if you have cut the cost to a core, you may find that you are not covered when you thought you were.
What is included in a PMI plan?
Apart from the treatment you would expect to be privately provided when you need specialist medical care - such as cover for the three most common causes for hospital admission: cancer, digestive problems and circulatory diseases - added benefits that may be attractive are becoming more commonplace.
As prevention is often better than cure, providers of PMI have become more interested in the ongoing health of their clients. Telephone-based information services, often manned by qualified medical personnel answering clients' questions, are often provided. Access to health screens, annual eye tests, routine dentistry, spectacles, private maternity provision and complimentary medicine such as homeopathic treatment can be made available through PMI.
Do check what the PMI provider is actually providing for your premium, before you complete a PMI application.
The benefits of Private Medical Insurance
Low-cost plans
Low-cost PMI plans may be the answer for some, but you need to be aware of the limitations. Low-cost plans often exclude outpatient consultations and treatment and restrict the number of hospitals which may be used. Some will pay out only if there is already an NHS waiting list for the treatment required over a stated period.
What do the PMI providers want to know?
When completing a PMI application, be careful to disclose all relevant information to the insurer. Pre-existing conditions will be excluded for a period of time, and your GP may be contacted to confirm your state of health. It is very important that specific information on the pre-existing condition you have, or had, is given.
For instance, don't put something as obscure as 'back pain', as it is likely that all back conditions will be excluded. Localise where the pain is - such as lower or upper back.
You may even be asked whether paramedics may visit you to check your general state of health.
Some insurers offer three or four bands of cover. Band A might be equivalent to a luxury hotel accommodation while band D might provide paybeds in a hospital ward. Other providers use postcodes instead to assess the cost and to determine which hospitals may be used.
How to claim
In the event of a claim, inform your insurer immediately and check that you are covered for the specific treatment before private treatment starts. A written response from the insurer pre-certifying that you are covered is useful.
Surgery, including anesthetists' and consultants' fees, private beds and post operative care as an in- or out-patient, can cost thousands of pounds. Make sure you are covered before you commit yourself.
It is highly likely that you will make at least one claim at some stage of the plan, and the increasing costs of medical provision mean that premiums are often relatively high. Those taking out a new PMI plan will, no doubt, be influenced by cost, but it pays to check all the details and look at the exclusions before making your choice.
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